
Strategies to get rich with crypto Currencies


The term "cryptocurrency" comes from the encryption methods used to keep the network secure.

Many cryptocurrencies rely on blockchains, which are organizational methods for ensuring the integrity of transactional data.

Blockchain and related technologies, according to many analysts, would disrupt many sectors, including finance and law.

Cryptocurrencies have been chastised for a range of reasons, including their use for illicit activity, exchange rate fluctuations, and the infrastructure that underpins them becoming fragile. Their portability, divisibility, inflation tolerance, and openness, on the other hand, have been lauded.

Here's a list of the strategies to get rich with cryptocurrency, let's start.

Number 7. Staking.

Staking is also thought of as a less resource-intensive alternative to mining. It requires storing funds in a cryptocurrency wallet to sustain a blockchain network's protection and operations. Staking, simply put, is the act of securing cryptocurrencies in order to obtain rewards.

You'll be able to stake your coins directly from your crypto wallet, such as Trust Wallet, in the majority of cases. Many exchanges, on the other hand, provide staking services to their customers. Staking on Binance is an easy way to win prizes – all you have to do is keep your coins on the exchange.

Staking is the method of investing or locking up funds in a crypto-coin in order to gain new cryptocurrencies via interest. Furthermore, if you want to keep your coins for a fixed period of time, you will benefit from price appreciation. There are a lot of proof-of-stake cryptocurrencies out there that can help you earn money by staking.

Number 6. Develop Your Own Cryptocurrency.

You can benefit from cryptocurrencies by designing your own. Yes, you can create your own cryptocurrency, and it isn't nearly as difficult as it might seem. Creating and releasing your cryptocurrency, on the other hand, would necessitate some level of blockchain expertise.

You should have a fundamental understanding of how blockchain and cryptocurrencies function. Then you must consider various options and decide on the type of coin you want to make. You may also employ a blockchain specialist or team to do the work for you. After your coin has been created, you can begin selling it through an initial coin offering (ICO) or on exchanges. Of course, you'll need to advertise your coin heavily at first to ensure that users understand what it's about and why they should invest in it.

Number 5. Cryptocurrency Faucets.

Crypto faucets are not very common, but they are a very viable source of income. The most famous are Bitcoin faucets, which are essentially a reward scheme that runs in the form of a website or application that rewards eligible users in the form of a Satoshi. A Satoshi is a one-hundredth of a millionth Bitcoin; it is a reward for completing a mission, such as a capture or some other that the application or website may need.

Number 4. Day Trading.

Trading used to be limited to those employed by brokerage companies, trading houses, or major financial institutions, but with the advent of the internet and online trading platforms, practically everyone can participate.

Cryptocurrency day trading can be a lucrative endeavour if done correctly, but it can be difficult for new traders, especially those who are unprepared and lack a well-thought-out strategy.

More than 80% of cryptocurrency investors believe that day trading is the most successful (if not the only) way to make money in this room.

You can start day trading on any exchange right now; all you have to do is sign up, buy some assets, and evaluate.

You may also begin trading using an automated trading platform such as bitcoin benefit, which enables users to decode the signals emitted by patterns on bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and begin trading as a small trader.

Number 3. Long Term Investing.

This is the simplest way to benefit from cryptocurrency. Many people choose not to exchange cryptocurrencies, instead purchasing a certain number of coins and keeping them in their wallets until the price rises, allowing them to benefit.

Long-term investment is based on the assumption that you have done your homework and assume the cryptocurrencies in which you invest will gain market share over time.

Although there are several different digital coins to choose from, we suggest using secure and liquid currencies like BTC, LTC, and XRP. On the market, these coins have been very popular. If you invest in a new crypto coin, it may be inexpensive at first, but the coin is likely to vanish after a period of market testing.

Number 2. Bitcoin Mining.

Mining cryptocurrencies is not the same as the previous two methods of trading. Mining is more difficult than the other approaches, but it can also be more profitable if performed correctly.

While mining can be done on a device, it still necessitates the use of basic software, specific hardware, crypto wallets, and a significant amount of electricity. Mining is a highly specialised sector that is not appropriate for individual investors, according to the majority of people.

The majority of Bitcoin mining takes place in a huge warehouse with cheap electricity.

Number 1. Buy and HODL.

This is by far the most popular method of profiting from cryptocurrencies. Most investors purchase Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, and other cryptocurrencies and wait for their value to grow. They sell at a profit as stock rates increase.

This investment approach necessitates the identification of more stable and unpredictable assets that can rapidly change in value, resulting in consistent income. Bitcoin and Ethereum, for example, have been known to have daily price fluctuations and thus can be considered a secure investment in this regard. You are, however, free to trade any asset you believe would appreciate in value; all you need to do is consider each asset before committing to HODLing it.

You also don't have to purchase the most costly properties to make money. There are thousands of small altcoins with good price changes; consider a mix of all coins with a promising future value that aren't only common on exchanges.

Emerging Technologies in current IT Industry


Technology today is developing at such a rapid rate that it enables quicker change and growth, allowing the rate of change to accelerate to the point that it will eventually become exponential. However, it is not just technology trends and top technologies that are changing; much more has changed this decade, which has made IT professionals realise that their position in the contactless world of tomorrow will not be the same. Presently, an IT specialist will be continuously studying, unlearning, and relearning.

5. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning.

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, has created a lot of hype over the last decade, but it remains one of the hottest emerging technology developments because of its significant impacts on how we live, work, and play. AI is now well-known for its dominance in image and speech recognition, navigation apps, mobile personal assistants, ride-sharing apps, and a wide range of other applications.

Aside from that, AI would be used to evaluate interactions in order to uncover underlying links and observations, to forecast demand for facilities such as hospitals, allowing authorities to make better resource allocation decisions, and to identify evolving trends of consumer behaviour by analysing data in near real-time, resulting in increased revenues and customised experiences.

In the near future, the AI market will be worth $190 billion, with global spending on cognitive and AI systems exceeding $57 billion. New jobs will be generated in development, programming, testing, support, and maintenance, to name a few, as AI spreads across sectors. AI, on the other hand, pays some of the highest wages today, with salaries ranging from over $125,000 per year (machine learning engineer) to $145,000 per year (AI architect), making it the top emerging technology trend to keep an eye on.

4. Edge Computing.

Cloud computing, which was once a cutting-edge technology development to keep an eye on, has now become commonplace, with major players such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform leading the industry. If more companies move to a cloud solution, cloud computing adoption continues to rise. However, it is no longer a new technology trend. It's called the edge.

Organizations have recognised the limitations of cloud computing in certain cases as the volume of data they deal with continues to grow. Edge computing is intended to address some of these issues by avoiding the delay caused by cloud computing and allowing data to be sent directly to a datacenter for processing. It can exist "on the edge," as it were, closer to the point where computing is needed. As a result, edge computing can be used to process time-sensitive data in remote areas where access to a centralised location is restricted or non-existent. Edge computing will serve as a mini datacenter in these circumstances.

Edge computing will become more prevalent as the number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices grows. The global demand for edge computing is projected to hit $6.72 billion in the future. And this latest technological trend will only continue to expand, generating a variety of jobs, mainly for software engineers.

3. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Extended Reality (ER) are the next great technological trends (ER). AR improves the user's environment while VR immerses them in it. While this technology trend has mainly been used for gaming, it has also been used for training, such as with VirtualShip, a simulation software used to train ship captains in the United States Navy, Army, and Coast Guard.

Currently, 14 million augmented reality and virtual reality systems were sold. The global AR and VR market is projected to reach $209.2 billion, resulting in more opportunities in the trending technology and more professionals prepared to join this game-changing sector.

Although some employers can require optics as a skill set, keep in mind that getting started in VR doesn't necessitate a lot of advanced expertise - simple programming skills and a forward-thinking mentality are enough to land a job; another reason why this emerging technology trend should be on your radar!

2. Blockchain.

While most people associate blockchain technology with cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, it also provides protection in a variety of other ways. In its most basic form, blockchain is data that you can only add to, not subtract from or alter. Since you're creating a data chain, the word "chain" was coined. The fact that previous blocks cannot be changed is what makes it so safe. Furthermore, since blockchains are consensus-based, no one individual can monitor the data. You don't need a trustworthy third-party to oversee or verify transactions with blockchain.

Several industries are involving and introducing blockchain technology, and as the need for qualified practitioners grows, so does the demand for blockchain technology. From the perspective of a bird's eye view, a blockchain developer specialises in creating and integrating blockchain-based architecture and solutions. A blockchain developer's average annual salary is $469,000.

If you're interested in Blockchain and its applications and want to pursue a career in this rapidly growing technology, now is the time to get started. You'll need hands-on experience with programming languages, OOPS basics, flat and relational databases, data structures, web app creation, and networking to get into Blockchain.

1. Internet of Things (IoT).

IoT is another promising emerging technology trend. Many “things” now have WiFi connectivity, allowing them to link to the Internet—and to one another. As a result, the Internet of Things, or IoT, was born. The Internet of Things (IoT) is the wave of the future, and it has already allowed computers, home appliances, vehicles, and much more to link to the Internet and share data.

We are already using and benefiting from IoT as users. We can lock our doors remotely if we fail to do so before leaving for work, and we can preheat our ovens on our way home from work, all while keeping track of our health with Fitbits. Businesses, on the other hand, have a lot to gain right now and in the near future. As data is collected and analysed, the IoT will help businesses improve their safety, performance, and decision-making. It has the potential to allow predictive maintenance, enhance medical care, and provide benefits we haven't even considered.

All Devices and Softwares Short cut Keys


Microsoft Excel Shortcut Keys
1. F2 Edit the selected cell
2. F3 After a name has been created F3 will paste names
3. F5 Go to a specific cell. For example, C6
4. F7 Spell check selected text or document
5. F11 Create chart from selected data
6. Ctrl + Shift + ; Enter the current time
7. Ctrl + ; Enter the current date
8. Alt + Shift + F1 Insert new worksheet
9. Shift + F3 Open the Excel formula window
10. Shift + F5 Bring up search box
11. Ctrl + A Select all contents of the worksheet
12. Ctrl + B Bold highlighted section
13. Ctrl + I Italic highlighted section
14. Ctrl + K Insert link
15. Ctrl + U Underline highlighted section
16. Ctrl + 1 Change the format of selected cells
17. Ctrl + 5 Strike through highlighted section
18. Ctrl + P Bring up the print dialogue box to begin printing
19. Ctrl + Z Undo last action
20. Ctrl + F3 Open Excel Name Manager
21. Ctrl + F9 Minimize current window
22. Ctrl + F10 Maximize currently selected window
23. Ctrl + F6 Switch between open work books or windows
24. Ctrl + Page up Move between Excel work sheets in the same Excel document
25. Ctrl + page down Move between Excel worksheets in the same Excel document
26. Ctrl + Tab Move between two or more open Excel document
27. Alt + = Create a formula to sum all of the above cells
28. Ctrl + ’ Insert the value of the above cell into cell currently selected
29. Ctrl + Shift + ! Format number in comma format
30. Ctrl + Shift + $ Format number in currency format
31. Ctrl + Shift + # Format number in date format
32. Ctrl + Shift + % Format number in percentage format
33. Ctrl + Shift + ^ Format number in scientific format
34. Ctrl + Shift + @ Format number in time format
35. Ctrl + Arrow key Move to the next selection on text
36. Ctrl + Space Select entire column
37. Shift + Space Select entire row
38. Ctrl + - Delete the selected column or row
39. Ctrl + shift + = Insert a new column or row
40. Ctrl + Home Move to cell A1
41. Ctrl + ~ Switch between showing Excel formulas or their values in cells..!!

Interesting Facebook shortcuts Trick Free
New message = Alt+m
Home page = Alt+1
Profile page = Alt + 2
Friends list management = Alt + 3
All the message list = Alt + 4
List of notification = Alt + 5
Account setting page = Alt + 6
Privacy setting page = Alt + 7
Visit Facebook Fan page = Alt + 8
Facebook Policy Page = Alt+ 9

New message = shift+Alt+m
Home page = shift+Alt+1
Profile page = shift+Alt + 2
Friends list management = shift+Alt + 3
All the message list = shift+Alt + 4
List of notification = shift+Alt + 5
Account setting page = shift+Alt + 6
Privacy setting page = shift+Alt + 7
Visit Facebook Fan page = shift+Alt + 8
Facebook Policy Page = shift+Alt+ 9

Note:You must be logged in Facebook and stay in the Facebook tab of your browser to use the shortcuts. Cool! isn't it? Just go to your Facebook account and give a try! I like the "New message" shortcut most.

Windows8/8.1 Shortcut Keys 
Windows Key : Open the Start Screen
Win + Z : Open Application bar
Win + W : Search in Settings of the system
Win + X : Open Windows Mobility Center
Win + V : Switch among notifications
Win + Shift + V : Switch among notifications (in reverse manner)
Win + U : Open Ease of Access Center
Win + T : Set focus to Taskbar and toggle through Programs
Win + S : Open OneNote Screenshot Creator (If Microsoft Office-OneNote is installed)
Win + R : Open Run dialog box
Win + Q : Open Windows Apps Search
Win + P : Display Projection Options
Win + O : Disable screen rotation / orientation
Win + N : Create new OneNote (If Microsoft Office-OneNote is installed)
Win + M : Minimize all windows
Win + Shift + M : Restore minimized windows
Win + L : Lock your computer
Win + K : Open Device Connections
Win + J : Toggle foreground between the filled and snapped applications
Win + I : Open Settings Panel (To change Settings for the Wireless Networks, Volume, Apps, Brightness or to Shut Down)
Win + H : Open Share Panel
Win + G : Toggle through Windows Desktop Gadgets
Win + F : Search for the Files in Computer
Win + Ctrl + F : Search for Computers in a network
Win + E : Show Windows Explorer with File’s Tree View
Win + D : Toggle “Show Desktop”
Win + C : Open Charms bar
Win + B : Set focus to Notification Area
Win + Enter : Open Windows Narrator
Win + Alt + Enter : Open Media Center (If Media Center is Installed on PC)
Win + Spacebar : Change the Keyboard Layout / Input Language
Win + PageUp : Move Start Screen to the left side of screen
Win + PageDown : Move Start Screen to the right side of screen
Win + Plus : Magnifier Zoom-In
Win + Minus : Magnifier Zoom-Out
Win + Esc : Close Magnifier
Win + Left Arrow : Dock the current window to left half of the screen
Win + Right Arrow : Dock the current window to right half of the screen
Win + Up Arrow : Maximize the currently active window
Win + Down Arrow : Minimize / Restore the currently active window
Win + Shift + Up Arrow : Maximize the currently active window vertically, while maintaining its width
Win + Shift + Down Arrow : Minimize / Restore the currently active window vertically, while maintaining its width
Win + Shift + Left Arrow : Move the currently active window to the left side of monitor
Win + Shift + Right Arrow : Move the currently active window to the right side of monitor
Win + Home : Toggle (Minimize/Maximize) all non-active windows
Windows + number : Launch the program from taskbar sequence (e.g. To open 1st program window, use Windows + 1)
Windows + Shift + number : Launch a new instance of the currently active program from taskbar sequence (e.g. To open an instance of 1st program window, use Windows + Shift + 1)
Win + Break : Display System Properties dialog box
Win + F1 : Open Windows Help and Support
Win + Forward Slash (/) : Initiate IME (Input Method Editor) reconversion
Win + Tab : Toggle through all Applications
Win + Ctrl + Tab : Toggle through Applications and snap them as they cycle
Win + Shift + Tab : Toggle through Applications in reverse order
Win + Dot (.) : Move the gutter to the right
Win + Shift + Dot (.) : Move the gutter to the left
Win + Comma (,) : Look Temporarily at the desktop
Shortcuts starting with Alt Key :
Alt + W : Create a new document or select a template
Alt + V : Paste
Alt + T : Cut
Alt + S + N : Deselect
Alt + S + I : Invert the selection
Alt + S + A : Select all
Alt + R : Rename selected files
Alt + P + S : Insert label
Alt + P + R : Open properties
Alt + P + E : Display “Open With…” dialog box
Alt + N : Create a new folder
Alt + M : Move the files
Alt + H : Show the history of file versions
Alt + E : Edit selected files
Alt + D : Delete selected files or folder
Alt + C + P : Copy path to the file or folder
Alt + C + O : Copy selected items
Alt + A : Open the “special features”

Many Attractive Thing to Do With Notepad

Today Notepad Is the Main Way To create The several Things And to Make the friends Amazing with Different Kinds of Magical tricks .. so for you all Our Experts Collected Few Tricks To Make amaging and Attractive things With the Help Of Notepad so Just Go through The given Instructions Below

Convert text into audio using notepad.......
# Notepad: a simple programme. But we can do lot's of things with this. we gave you more tricks from notepad here before.Here i am going to show you notepad trick #1. If you want to convert your text in to audio you have to use any programmes. But from this method you don't want to use another software. An easy trick from Notepad.
Let's start.
1.Open notepad.
2.Copy the code bellow.
Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("Enter your text for Conversation","Text-To-Audio Converter")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg
3.Now save it as text_audio.vbs
4.And that's it.
5.Now open the file and type anything. Then click OK.

How To Open Number Of Websites In A Single Click With Notepad ??

1) Open Notepad.
2) Copy Below Given Code And Paste It In Notepad.
@echo off
3) Now save Notepad As Sites.bat
4) Now open your save file and it will open three websites in a single click.
5) You can also add more sites by writing Start followed by websites.

How to STOP the Timer in Internet Cafe’s

1) Create a New Text Document. (Use Notepad)

2) Then type CMD in it.

3) Then save it as anything.bat (Make sure the file do NOT end on .txt, but on .bat)

4) Go to the location were you saved the .bat file and run it. If you’ve done this correctly, you’ll see that            Command Prompt is open.

5)Now that Command Prompt is open, type in: cd\windows (This will change the directory to Windows)

6) Then type in: regedit (This will get you to the registry editor gui)

7) Now navigate to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Appevents>software>classes>micro                                      soft>windows>current version>internet settings>policies>system

8) On the right pane where it says Disable Taskmanager, right click on it, and scroll down to modify, and            than change the value of it to “0?.

9) Then open Windows Task Manager (CTRL+ALT+DELETE)

10)Then disable the Internet Cafe’s timer. If you did this right, then you’re done!

Corel PaintShop Pro X6 RePack


General Information:
Program Version: | Language: English | Treatment: complete | Type of medicine: Keygen

Keen photographers just can not help but fall in love with Corel PaintShop Pro X6. The program has convenient tools for editing, simplified workspace and stunning effects of professional level. This is an application for editing photos will receive each time it is the image of what you want! Photos can retouch a few seconds. Or you can use more detailed artistic possibilities, creating a breathtaking composition. And when you’re done with a single click you can send photos of the most successful on the Internet. This is an excellent addition to a full-featured digital SLR camera! market of digital images Paint Shop Pro Photo rises above the rest. PaintShop Pro Photo – the complete solution of print and web design. Present regime Express Lab, where you can view and edit images in batch mode. In it, you can crop, rotate, color correction and other common operations without having to open each image separately. Express Lab supports all formats that are available to work in Paint Shop Pro Photo, including RAW. Also appeared automatically save the original, allowing experimenting with images, not afraid to resave the original image.

Minimum System Requirements:
Microsoft ® Windows ® 8, Windows ® 7, Windows Vista ® or Windows ® XP with latest service packs (32 – or 64-bit)
Processor Intel ® Pentium ® 4, AMD Athlon ™ 64 or higher (multi-core processor recommended)
1.5 GB of RAM (2 GB or more)
1 GB of free hard disk space (2 GB or more)
16-bit color display with a resolution of 1024 x 768 (24-bit)
DirectX ® 9 or higher
Internet connection – for the functions performed through the Internet, and viewing video tutorials
Installation requires a compatible Windows ® CD / DVD-drive

Bypassing Modern WAF's XSS Filters - Cheat Sheet

In my day to day job as a penetration tester, it's very often that i encounter a web application firewall/filter that looks for malicious traffic inside the http request and filters it out, some of them are easy to break and some of them are very hard. However, in one or another context all the WAF's i have encountered are bypassable at some point.

Rsnake's XSS cheat sheet was one of the best resources available for bypassing WAF's, however overtime as browsers got updated lots of the vectors didn't work on the newer browser. Therefore there was a need to create a new Cheat Sheet. Over time i have developed my own methodology for bypassing WAF's and that's what i have written the paper on. The paper talks specifically about bypassing XSS filters, as for SQLi, RCE etc. I thought to write a different paper as the techniques differ in many cases.

  Modern Web Application Firewalls Fingerprinting and Bypassing XSS Filters

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Delete Unnecessary Stuff and Posts From Your Facebook Wall

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Best 120 Expert Photoshop Tips and Tricks to Learn and Several tools

Improve your skills and speed up your workflow with these 120 expert Photoshop tips, tricks and fixes covering brush tools, layers, shortcuts and more.

Whether you're looking for tips on using layers, advice on mastering the pen tool, a guide to using RAW, or ways to improve your brush work, it's all here! And if you've just got hold of Photoshop CS6, then you'll have plenty to get your creative gnashers stuck in to!

Most of these tips were originally published in our sister title, Practical Photoshop magazine - the best resource for all your Photoshop insights, inspiration, and tips. If you want to get more in-depth tutorials and all the very latest helpful info, then we suggest you get hold of the mag!

Read all our Photoshop-related articles here
Quick Photoshop tips

01. Rotating patterns
>>>Photoshop tips: Rotating Patterns<<<
You can make amazing kaleidoscopic patterns with the help of a keyboard shortcut. Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T lets you duplicate a layer and repeat a transformation in one go. To demonstrate, we’ve made a narrow glowing shape by squeezing a lens flare effect, but you can use any shape, image or effect you like. First, make an initial rotation by pressing Cmd/Ctrl+T and turning slightly, then hit Enter to apply. Next, press Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+Alt+T repeatedly to create a pattern.

02. Combine images with text
>Photoshop tips: Combining images with text<
There’s a really easy way to overlay an image on top of text. Drop an image layer over a type layer then hold down Alt and click the line between the two layers in the Layers Panel to clip the image to the text.

03.  Bird’s Eye View
When zoomed in close, hold down H and drag in the image to instantly dart out to full screen then jump back to another area. One of the best Photoshop tips for viewing work!

04.  Quick full Layer Masks
You can Alt-click on the Layer Mask icon to add a full mask that hides everything on the layer.

05.  Easier marquee selections
Hold down Alt to start a selection at the centre point with any Marquee tool, and then hold Space to temporarily move the selection around.

06.  Funky backgrounds

>>Photoshop tips: Funky backgrounds<<
Want to change the default grey background to something more funky? Shift–click over the background area with the Paint Bucket tool to fill it with your foreground colour. Right-click it to go back to grey.

07.  1000 History states
Go to Edit>Preferences>Performance to change the number of History states up to a maximum of 1000. Beware though of the effect that this has on performance.

08.  Colour Code Layers
Use colour coding to organise your Layers Panel. Right-click over a layer’s eye icon to quickly access 8 colour code choices.

09.  Close all images
To close all of your documents at the same time, Shift-click any image window’s close icon.

10.  Spring-loaded Move
While using any tool, hold Cmd/Ctrl to temporarily switch to the Move tool. Release to go back to your original tool. Note that spring-loaded keyboard shortcuts work for other tool shortcuts, too.

11. Interactive Zoom
For interactive zooming, hold Cmd/Ctrl+Space then drag right to zoom in, or left to zoom out. The zoom targets where your mouse icon is, so it’s one of the quickest ways to navigate around an image.

12. Lightning fast layer copies
Hold down Cmd+Alt and drag any layer to instantly make a copy.

13.  Diffuse effects
>>>Photoshop tips: Diffuse effects<<<
The Diffuse Glow filter can give highlights a soft ethereal feel, especially when you combine the effect with desaturation. Hit D to reset colours then go to Filter>Distort> Diffuse Glow. Keep the effect fairly subtle, then go to Image>Adjustments>Hue/ Saturation and drop the saturation down to complete the dreamlike effect.

14.  Undo, Undo, Undo
You probably know that Cmd/Ctrl+Z is Undo, but you may not know Cmd/Ctrl+Alt+Z lets you undo more than one history state.

15.  Cycle Blend Modes
Shift + or – will cycle through different layer Blend Modes, so long as you don’t have a tool that uses Blend Mode options settings.

Shortcuts (16 - 43)
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E will merge a copy of all Layers
F Cycle through workspace backgrounds
X Change your foreground and background colours
D Reset foreground and background colours to black and white
] and [ Change your brush tip size
Cmd/Ctrl+J Duplicate a layer or selection
Space Bar Hold Space and drag to navigate around the image
TAB Hides or shows all panels and tools
Cmd/Ctrl+T Transform a layer
Cmd/Ctrl+E Merge selected layer down, or merges several highlighted layers
Cmd/Ctrl/Ctrl+Shift+Opt+S Save for web & devices
Cmd/Ctrl+L Bring up levels box
Cmd/Ctrl+T Open Free Transform tool
Cmd/Ctrl+M Open Curves
Cmd/Ctrl+B Edit Colour Balance
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+Opt+C Scale your image to your preferred state
Cmd/Ctrl+Opt+G Create clipping mask
Cmd/Ctrl+0 Fit on screen
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+>/< Increase/decrease size of selected text by 2pts
Cmd/Ctrl+Option+Shift->/< Increase/decrease size of selected text by 10pts
]/[ Increase/decrease brush size
Shift+F5 Fill the selection
}/{ Increase/decrease brush hardness
,/. previous/next brush
</> First/last brush
Cmd/Ctrl+] Bring layers forward
Cmd/Ctrl+[ Send layer back
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+[ Send layer to bottom of stack
Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+] Bring layer to bottom of stack


   >>>Photoshop tips: Layer tricks<<<

44. Converting Layer Styles
Converting a Layer Style to a normal pixel-based layer gives you greater control to edit the contents. To do so, add a style then right-click Effects and choose Create Layer.

45. View one layer
If you’re working with multiple layers and you want to view one layer on its own, there’s no need to hide all the others manually, simply hold down Alt and click the Eye icon of a layer to make every other layer invisible. Hold down Alt and click again to reveal them.

46. Invert a Layer Mask
After adding any Adjustment Layer, hit Cmd/Ctrl+I to invert the Layer Mask and quickly hide the effect, then paint back over the image with white to selectively reveal the adjustment.

47. Unlink layers and masks
You can move either a mask or an image independently of one another by clicking the link between the two thumbnails in the Layers Panel. Highlight the thumbnail you want to reposition, then grab the Move tool.

48. Quick copy
Hold down Alt and drag a mask, style or layer to
quickly duplicate it.

49. Convert the Background
Double-click the Background Layer and hit OK to convert it to an editable layer

50. Adjustments
Always use Adjustment Layers rather than directly editing a layer. This gives you three advantages: you can edit it at any time, control the strength with Opacity, and use a mask to make it work selectively.

51. Move query
When using the Move tool, right-click over a point in the image for a list of all the layers you’re hovering over.

52. Panel Options
The Layers Panel is the most important box in Photoshop, so you’ll want to make sure it’s set up properly for your needs. Choose Panel Options from the Fly-out menu to select different thumbnail sizes and content.

53. Move layers up or down
You can move layers up or down the stack in the Layers Panel while watching the image change. Hold down Cmd/Ctrl and press ] or [. Add in Shift to move a layer right to the top or bottom.

54. Fill shortcuts
You can press Alt+Backspace to fill a layer or
selection with the Foreground colour, Cmd/Ctrl+Backspace to fill a layer or selection with the Background colour, or Shift+Backspace to quickly access the Fill Options.

55. The 50% grey layer
A new layer filled with 50% grey is useful in lots of situations. For example, you can dodge and burn with it, add texture, or manipulate a Lens Flare effect, all in a completely non-destructive way. To create a 50% grey layer, make a new layer then go to Edit>Fill, then set the Blend Mode to Overlay.

56. Layer Group shortcut
Layer Groups are incredibly useful, but don’t bother clicking on the Layer Group icon, as you’ll have to add layers to the new group manually. Instead, you should highlight several layers and either drag them to this icon or alternatively hit Cmd/Ctrl+G.

57. Edit multiple type layers
>Photoshop tips: Edit multiple type layers<
To apply a change of font or size to multiple type layers at once, hold down Cmd/ Ctrl and click the layers in the Layers Panel to highlight them, then simply select the Type tool and change the settings in the Options Bar.

58. Layer Mask views

  >>>Photoshop tips: Layer mask views<<<
Hold down Alt and click a Layer Mask thumbnail to toggle between a view of the mask and the image. Hold down Shift and click to turn the mask on or off.

59. Select similar layers
To quickly select all layers of a similar kind, such as shape or type
layers, highlight one of them and then go to Select>Similar Layers.

60. Change Opacity
When not using a painting tool, you can change layer Opacity
simply by pressing a number key. Hit 1 for 10%, 5 for 50%, and 0 for 100%.

61. Quick masking
You may be familiar with Color Range in the Select drop-down menu. But did you know that you can access a similar command through the Color Range button in the Masks Panel? (Window>Masks). This allows you to quickly make a mask by sampling colours, which can be used for making a quick spot colour effect.

62. Step-by-step Blend fire effects
    A:  Copy in the fire

   >>>Photoshop tips: Copy in the fire<<<
Open a portrait image and a generic fire image, then grab the Move tool and check Auto-Select Layer and Show Transform Controls. Drag the fire image into the girl image to copy it in, then change the Blend Mode of the layer to Screen.

     B:  Position and warp

   >>>Photoshop tips: Position and warp<<<
Click the bounding box to transform the fire layer, then resize, rotate and position the layer. Right-click while in Transform mode and choose Warp to wrap the fire around the body. Hit Cmd/Ctrl+J to copy the fire layer and transform again to build up the effect.

Top Tool Photoshop Tips

63. Right-click for contextual menus
Almost all tools have a contextual menu that’s accessed with a simple right-click. This usually gives you the tool’s major controls and a few handy shortcuts. As well as the tool you have active, where you right-click affects the menu, too. For example, a right-click over a layer thumbnail or mask thumbnail gives different options.

64. Speedy navigation
Being able to quickly and easily move around your image and
zoom in or out will speed up your workflow more than anything else. Use Cmd/Ctrl and + to zoom in, Cmd/Ctrl and – to zoom out. Hold the space bar to temporarily access the Hand tool and drag around the image.

65. Crucial selection shortcuts
With any selection tool, hold Shift to add to an existing selection and Alt to subtract from it. Shift+Alt together allows you to intersect selections.

66. Paste in place
Cut and paste a selection to a new layer and Photoshop will place it in the middle of the screen. If you want to paste it to a new layer, but keep the position the same, use Cmd/Ctrl+X to cut and Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+V to paste in place. Similarly, you should hold down Shift while dragging layers between documents with the Move tool to keep the same position.

67. Hide the Marching Ants
Press Cmd/Ctrl+H to hide or reveal a selection’s ‘marching ants’ line. Cmd/Ctrl+Shift+H does the same for a Path line.

68. The amazing Cmd/Ctrl+click
Use the Cmd/Ctrl+click shortcut on any layer thumbnail, mask thumbnail, Channel or Path to load its shape or contents as a selection.

69. Switch lasso
When using the Lasso tool, hold Alt then release the mouse
button to temporarily switch to the Polygonal Lasso tool.

70. Fixed Ratio selections
The Rectangular Marquee tool has a useful ‘Style’ setting in the Options Bar that lets you make a selection at a fixed ratio or size. This is helpful if you want to select a specific area to use as a wallpaper or for web pages.

71.Transform a selection
You can transform a selection in just the same way as a layer. Just go to Select>Transform Selection. Right-click to choose from familiar transform modes like Skew and Warp.

72. Pen tool rubber band
If you're new to the Pen Tool, this is one of the best Photoshop tips out there! As a new user it can be frustrating when plotting anchor points, as often you’re not entirely sure how your next curve will behave. There’s a useful feature hidden in the Options Bar that can be a godsend for beginners. Click the ‘Geometry options’ drop-down (next to Auto Add/Delete) and check Rubber Band. Now, as you use the Pen tool you’ll see an interactive preview of your next curve before you add it.

73. Non-destructive crops

      >>>Photoshop tips: Non-destructive crops<<<
A little-known feature of the Crop tool allows you to hide, rather than delete cropped areas. To do this, you’ll need to make the Background Layer editable first, so double-click it then hit OK. Next, grab the Crop tool and drag a crop window, then instead of applying the crop, check Hide in the Options. Now you can re-crop at any time by dragging outside the window to reveal the previously cropped areas.

Pen Tool Tips

74.  Tweak anchor points
When using the Pen tool, hold down Cmd/Ctrl to temporarily switch to the Direct Selection tool. This lets you move anchor points and control handles.

75.  Add a point
To add a point, hover over the existing path line and the Pen tool will automatically change to the Add Anchor Point tool.

76.  Remove handles
Remove handles from a point and make it into a sharp angle by Alt-clicking over it.

77. From selection to path
Turn any active selection into a path by clicking the ‘Make Workpath from Selection’ icon at the bottom of the Paths Panel.

78. Add handles
Add handles to a point by holding Alt then dragging outwards from the point.

79. Path options
Once you’ve made a path with the Pen tool, right-click for lots of options, including Make Selection, Fill Path and Stroke Path.

80. Magnetic Pen
For a magnetic Pen tool that behaves just like the Magnetic Lasso tool, choose the Freeform Pen tool from the Tools Panel then check ‘Magnetic’ in the Options Bar.

81.Step-by-step: Select sky with Channels

  A: Copy Blue Channel

>>>Photoshop tips: Copy Blue channel<<<
Go to Window Channel then drag the Blue Channel to the New Channel icon to duplicate it. Hit Cmd/Ctrl+L to access Levels, then drag the white and black point sliders in dramatically to make the sky totally white and the land black. Now use the Brush tool and paint with black to tidy any bits in the land.

   B:  Load a selection

    >>>Photoshop tips: Load a selection<<<
Hold Cmd/Ctrl and click the Blue Copy Channel to load a selection of the white areas. Click back on the RGB Channel then go to the Layers Panel and add a Curves Adjustment Layer. The selection is automatically turned into a mask. Drag down on the curve to darken the sky.

Brush and painting Photoshop tips

82.  Try Adobe Eazel
For tablet owners, Adobe Eazel is both fun and a serious painting tool. Finger-painted brush strokes have a fluidity that’s difficult to create on a computer. Wireless transmission between tablet and Photoshop streamlines the painting process.

83.  Change the brush angle
When using a non-circular brush, you may find the need to change the angle of the brush tip. To do this, click the Brush Panel in the Options Bar then highlight Brush Tip shape and drag the circle to change the angle of the brush. You can also flip it horizontally or vertically with the check boxes.

84.  Rotate the clone source
Clone around corners by rotating a clone source. To do so, use Shift+Alt+ < or >. It helps if you have Show Overlay checked in the Clone Source Panel, so that you can see the rotation.

85.  Real paint ridges
The Bevel and Emboss filter is often used by digital painters to make brush strokes look like ridged layers of paint. Merge a copy of all the layers, then set the Blend Mode to Overlay and apply the Bevel and Emboss filter.

86.  Interactive brush settings
When using the Brush tool, hold down Alt and the right mouse button for a preview of the Brush tip’s size and hardness. Drag down and up to increase or decrease hardness, and drag right or left to change the size.

87.  Tilt Canvas

  >>>Photoshop tips: Tilt Canvas<<<
Photoshop tips don't just come in the form of shortcuts. When painting, it’s often easier to rotate the canvas rather than try to bend your wrist into an uncomfortable position. Just as a sketcher would angle a piece of paper, you can angle your canvas by holding down R then dragging it around. Release R and you’ll flip back to your original tool. To revert back to normal, hold down R and click Reset View in the options.

88.  Smudge painting
Smudge painting is quick and immensely satisfying. To paint with the
Smudge tool, fill a layer with an off-white tone, duplicate the Background Layer and set it at the top of the stack, with Opacity at about 13%, then highlight the Smudge tool, check Sample All Layers, and start painting. It’s that simple.

89.  Add texture to paintings

>>Photoshop tips: Add texture to paintings<<
As a finishing touch, you can make your paintings look much more authentic by adding a paper texture. Copy a texture on top of your image, then experiment with Blend Modes and Opacity until you get the right effect. The Darken or Multiply modes will usually provide you with good results.

Precise colour and lines

90.  Draw straight lines
To draw a straight line with the Brush tool, hold down Shift and then click two points.

91.  Sample a colour
With the Brush tool selected, hold down Alt and click to sample a
colour and then set it as your Foreground colour.

92.  Precise painting
Press Caps Lock to switch your cursor to a crosshair.

93.  Cycle through the brushes
Use , and . to cycle left or right through the brushes in the Brush Preset Picker.

94.  Dodge or Burn
When painting with the Burn tool, you can hold down Alt to switch
instantly to the Dodge tool.

95.  Get a pen and tablet
If you’re into digital painting, but don’t own a graphics tablet, you’re missing out on a whole new world of creativity. There are plenty of good, entry-level tablets available, but if you want mid-range features that include multi-touch input, treat yourself to a Wacom Intuos 5.

96.  Change hardness
As you probably know, the ] and [ bracket keys change your brush size, but you can also use Shift+ ] or [ to change the brush hardness.

97.  Quick Opacity change
When using the Brush tool, press any number between 0 and 9 and the Brush Opacity will set to it. 1 for 10%, 9 for 90%, 0 for 100%. Press Shift and a number to adjust Flow.

Adobe Camera Raw tricks

98. Use Select All

   >>>Photoshop tips: Use select all<<<
The following Photoshops tips focus on Camera Raw. To quickly batch process a group of images, open them all in ACR (the easiest way to do this is through Adobe Bridge) and then click Select All. Now, any changes you make to one image will be applied to all the open files.

99.  Open Smart Objects
Hold down Shift in ACR and the Open Image button switches to Open Object. Now the file opens as a Smart Object, which means you can double-click the layer thumbnail in Photoshop to go back and edit the layer in ACR.

100. Mask Sharpening

 >>>Photoshop tips: Mask sharpening<<<
The Masking slider in the Detail Panel lets you control which areas of an image are sharpened, but it’s impossible to judge unless you hold down Alt as you drag. This displays a greyscale view, in which black areas are protected from sharpening, enabling you to isolate the sharpening to edge areas.

101. Reset the sliders quickly

>>Photoshop tips: Reset the sliders quickly<<
Double-click any slider to reset it to 0. If you click once, then the slider jumps to the point you’re over. So if you keep the mouse still, you can single-click, then double-click over a point for a quick ‘before and after’ view of any adjustment you’ve made.

102. Crop ratios

  >>>Photoshop tips: Crop ratios<<<
Square crops can help to make your images stand out from the crowd. For a list of different crop ratios, hold down the mouse button over the Crop tool. Remember, like everything else in ACR, cropping is non- destructive, so you can try out different ratios and adjust the crop at any time.

103.  Exposure before colour
It’s always best to adjust exposure before you move on to colour correction.

104. Adjustment Brush controls

 >Photoshop tips: Adjustment Brush controls<
The Adjustment Brush is perfect for selective toning in ACR. The brush works by setting pins, each linked to a painted mask that specifies the area you want to tweak. You’ll need to view the mask when painting, and hide it when using the sliders to adjust the area. Hit Y to switch the view of the mask on or off.

105.  Erase masks
When painting with the Adjustment Brush, hold down Alt to erase parts of the mask.

106. Clip the blacks
Deep blacks give an image extra punch, so it’s okay to clip the blacks a little. For deep blacks, drag the Black point slider inwards while holding down Alt until a few dark spots appear.

107. Straighten horizons
Hold down A and drag a line to straighten your images.

108. Clipping views
Hold down Alt while dragging the Exposure, Blacks or Recovery slider to see any clipped pixels, or click the icons at the top right and left of the histogram to see them all the time.

109. Screen real estate
Make the most of your screen size by hitting F to switch the ACR display to Full Screen Mode.

ACR and Bridge

110. 3D carousel view

>>>Photoshop tips: 3D carousel view<<<
Looking for Photoshop tips to view images in interesting ways? Look no further. All you need to do is hit Cmd/Ctrl+B to see your images in a snazzy 3D carousel. Scroll through the images with the left and right arrow keys and hit down to remove an image from the view.

111. Paste ACR settings

>>>Photoshop tips: Paste ACR settings<<<
You can copy ACR treatments from one file to another in Bridge. Right-click any file with the circular ACR icon, then go to Develop Settings>Copy Settings. Right-click another file (or hold down Cmd/Ctrl and click to select more than one) then choose Paste settings.

112. Stack similar images

>>>Photoshop tips: Stack similar images<<<
Stacks can help you keep your workspace tidy and easier to navigate by grouping similar images together. Select a group of files (hold down Shift and click the first and last) then go to Stacks>Group as Stack.

113. Open in ACR

      >>>Photoshop tips: Open in ACR<<<
Raw files open automatically into ACR, but you can open JPEGs and TIFFs, too, by right-clicking them and choosing ‘Open in Camera Raw’, or simply hit Cmd/Ctrl+R.

114. Open as layers

  >>>Photoshop tips: Open as layers<<<
You can load a group of images into layers of a single document by going to Tools> Photoshop>Load Files into Photoshop Layers.

115. Step-by-step Solarisation in ACR

  A: Make a cone-shaped curve

>Photoshop tips: Make a cone-shaped curve<
Open an image in ACR, then click the Tone Curve Panel. Drag all the points off the curve to delete them, then make one single point in the middle. Drag this down, then drag the bottom left of the curve to line up to the top, making an inverted cone shape.

  B: Convert to mono

  >>>Photoshop tips: Convert to mono<<<
Click the HSL/Greyscale Panel and check ‘Convert to Black and White’. Use the sliders to tweak the black and white conversion. If you want to add some colour, go to Split Toning and adjust the sliders to add colour to the shadows and highlights. One of the top mono Photoshop tips!

Brush up your skills

116. Create a brush
You can create a brush tip from any image you like. Simply convert to monochrome, then make a selection and go to Edit>Define Brush Preset. Only dark parts are recorded; any parts that are pure white aren’t included in the brush tip. So if you want the shape of the brush to be clear, you need to isolate the object or shape against a white background.

117. Make sketch lines

>>>Photoshop tips: Make sketch lines<<<
If you want to turn a photo into a painting, adding sketch lines can make the effect look more realistic. To do so, duplicate your layer then go to Filter>Stylise> Glowing Edges, then invert the colours, desaturate and use the Darken or Multiply Blend Mode.

118. Experiment

      >>>Photoshop tips: Experiment!<<<
The Brush Panel is the control centre for hundreds, if not thousands, of
different brush effects and settings. The best way to find out how it works is to grab the Brush tool, choose a colour, open a new document and start painting.

119. Go further
To take the above tip further, try painting on different layers and use different Blend Modes, or add Layer Style effects to your painted layer.

120. Step by step: Quick brush effects

         A:Set up the Brush
   >>>Photoshop tips: Set up the brush<<<
Load up a generic portrait image and then load the Square Brushes from the Brush Picker drop-down menu.
Select a square brush, then open the Brush Panel and use these settings: Brush tip shape: Spacing 631%. Shape Dynamics: Size, Angle, Roundness Jitter – all 100%. Scattering: Scatter 638%, Count Jitter 50%. Colour Dynamics: Foreground/ Background Jitter 20%, Saturation Jitter 20%. Brightness 30%.

      B: Paint mask and colours

>Photoshop tips: Paint mask and colours<
Use the Lasso tool to select the girl then hit Shift+Backspace and choose Fill: Content-Aware. Hold down Alt and click the Add Layer Mask icon then set Foreground colour to white and paint on the mask over the girl to hide parts of the body. Next, add a new empty layer and hold down Alt to sample colours from the girl, then paint to add coloured fragments. Add a second new layer, paint larger strokes, then blur slightly with Filter> Gaussian Blur.

We hope you enjoyed these Photoshop tips! Now check out more great video tutorials on Practical Photoshop's youtube channel

50 Coolest Tips and Tricks for Windows 8, Windows 7 and XP Trick free


1. Reinstall Windows XP without re-activation
If you need to reinstall Windows XP, usually must be re-activated. In fact as long as the first activated, a backup of Windows \ System32 directory Wpa.dbl file, will not have to activate the work. After the reinstall Windows XP, just copy the file to the directory above you can.

2. How do I know whether your Windows XP activation
Open the Start → Run, type in the dialog box that pops up: oobe / msoobe / a, carriage return after the system will pop-up window tells you whether the system has been activated.

3. Close the zip folder function
Do you think that Windows XP in the zip folder feature too slow, functional nor attractive? If so, you can open the Start → Run, type in the pop-up dialog box: regsvr32 / u zipfldr.dll, Enter ZIP folder you can close after the function.

4. For Windows XP ISO file can be engraved
Windows XP does not provide a direct function of burning ISO files, but you can download a third-party plug-ins to increase the functionality of the system. The plug-in download address:…rderSetup.msi.

5. Login screen background color
Open the Registry Editor, locate the [HKEY-USERS \. DEFAULT \ Control Panel \ Colors], the value of the Background to “000″ (without the quotes), so login becomes black background.

6. Fully uninstall XP
Some of our friends in the installation of Windows XP and found I did not like the operating system, then you can use Windows 98 installation CD to boot to DOS state and then type:
This will remove all the XP files, and can re-install Windows 98/Me.

7. System for help with straw
When the suspect before the system restarts the computer for the changes could lead to failure, you can start the system, press F8 key, select “Last Known Good Configuration” to restore the system changes.

8. To restore the previous driver for the hardware
Installed new hardware drivers and found the system unstable or hardware does not work, just in the “Device Manager” choose “the driver to resume” button, you can revert to a previous normal system state. But can not restore the printer driver.

9. Automatic landing
Click Start → Run, enter “rundll32netplwiz.dll, UsersRunDll” (without the quotes), then User Accounts in the cancellation of “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer”, click “OK”, then in the pop-up dialog box, type you want your login username and password.

10. Quick shutdown or restart of the shortcut keys (available time)
Right click the desktop, choose New (shortcut, type in the wizard that pops up location: C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ shutdown.exe-s-t 10 (which can be read-s-r, which is re- start, and-t 10 表示 delay 10 seconds, according to their needs you can change this number). production end of this shortcut, in accordance with the above method as it specifies an icon. The quick shutdown or restart of the skills will show a comparison nice dialog box prompts shutdown (restart), and you can later add “-c” I want off it! “”, this phrase appears in the dialog box, of course, you are free to write the text, but note can not exceed 127 characters.

11. Shutdown, restart as long as 1 second
If you want instant shut down Windows XP, you can press CTRL + ALT + DEL, and then in the pop-up Task Manager, click “Shutdown” → “off”, at the same time hold down the CTRL, less than 1 second you will found that the system has closed the matter, simply on the blink of an eye. By the same token, if the “shutdown” menu, select “restart”, you can quickly restart.

12. To find the missing Quick Launch bar
Mouse over the blank area of the taskbar, right-click from the pop-up menu, select “Properties” in the pop-up window, select “Taskbar” tab, and then from the “Taskbar appearance” box to “Show Quick start “check box is selected, the” OK “on the line.

13. Batch file rename
Windows XP provides the bulk rename files feature in Explorer select several files, then press F2 key, and then rename the files in one, so that all the selected files will be renamed to a new file Name (in increments added at the end of the figure).

14. Quickly Lock Your Computer
Right-click the desktop, in the resulting shortcut menu select New “shortcut”, then the system will start the Create Shortcut Wizard, in the text box input “rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation”, click ” The next step “in the pop-up window, enter the name of the shortcut, click” Finish “. Of course, the easiest way is to lock the computer directly by WinKey + L.

15. Let button mouse features a roll page
In the Control Panel, double-click “mouse”, and in the pop-up “Mouse Properties” dialog box, select the “click lock” column of “start-click lock” key. Then click the “Settings” button, the pop-up “click lock settings” dialog box will set minimum mouse, click on “OK” to save. Open a page, click on the page scrolls, not far away from the page scrolls up and down move the mouse, you can achieve this feature. Click again on the page you can turn off this feature scrolls.

16. Let Windows XP read letters
Find the “aids” group in the “about people” program, click on the “voice” button, enter the “Sound settings” interface can be some settings and then save. When you hover your mouse over the dialog box with the letters, menus and buttons, it will hear a male voice reading the English

17. To restore Windows Classic Interface
Many people have installed Windows XP after the first feeling is that Windows has become very beautiful. Unfortunately, the price is just beautiful as not to deplete our wealth of memory and memory. To return to the classical Windows like interface and usage, please right-click the desktop, select “Properties” command to enter the “Display Properties” settings window. Here a total of “theme”, “Desktop”, “Screen Saver”, “look” and “Settings” tab 5. In the current tab label will be highlighted in a yellow light-colored, the default is “Theme” tab, where we simply “Theme” drop-down menu select “Windows Classic”, you can immediately preview window that display the same time, the contents of the Appearance tab will be followed to make changes.
Note: Windows XP in the “theme” and “Appearance” tab is closely related, as long as an option to change any of them, in another tab will see the appropriate changes.

18. Restoration “Start” menu
The new Windows XP “Start” menu was quite convenient, the impact on system resources, not much. If you like the last of the classic menu, then right-click the task bar space, select “Properties” menu, go to “Taskbar and Start Menu Properties” settings window, select the “[Start] menu” tab, select “classical [Start] menu” can be restored to the way it was before the.

19. Optimizing Visual Effects
Windows XP, operating with the interface is really very nice, nice is to consume a large amount of memory as the underlying price, relative to the speed and beauty, we’d rather choose the former, right-click “My Computer”, click “Properties / Advanced “in the” Performance “column, click the” Settings / Visual Effects “, where you can see the appearance of all the settings, you can manually remove unwanted features. Here the appearance of all the special settings such as fade, smooth rolling, sliding open, and closed off all the visual effects are, we can save “a lot” of memory.

20. Disable unnecessary service components
Like Windows XP and Windows 2000 can be used as such as Http server, mail server, FTP server, so every time Windows XP starts, and with it launched a number of services, there are many services for us ordinary users is completely useless So off they are a good choice. Operations is: right-click “My Computer” and select “Manage / Services and Applications / Services”, will not need to disable the services components.
Note: Some services are necessary for Windows XP, the closure will create a system crash. See details and then confirm prohibited.
Editor’s Note: For Windows XP 90 common services, will have a special chapter of this article.

21. Reduce the load startup items
Many applications will be given a free hand in the installation added to the system startup group, will run automatically every time you start the system, which not only extended the start time and start after the completion of system resources has been eaten a lot! We can reduce the system load at startup procedures, is: Select “Start” menu’s “Run”, type “msconfig” Startup “System Configuration Utility” and enter “start” tab in the window lists the system starts loads of items and the source, look carefully at whether you need it automatically load, or clear the box before the project, the less load the project, start the faster the speed of nature. The need to restart before taking effect.

22. Turn off System Restore
“System Restore” feature is the Windows family of operating systems is an important feature of a problem when Windows is running, the reduction of the operating system.“System Restore” Although people often make mistakes useful, but it makes you hard disk in a highly busy state, you will find your hard drive is always on the go, because Windows XP to record action to restore the future. If you have confidence, then do not use it, because it can account for a lot of memory.
Turn off System Restore function is: Click “Start / All Programs / Accessories / System Tools / System Restore” in the System Restore interface, click “System Restore Settings” to enter “System Restore Settings” window, clear “in all drives Turn off System Restore “check box, so Windows XP will delete the backup of the system restore point, and thus the release of its disk space.
Generally speaking, in order to balance system performance and system security, the author recommends open letter where Windows XP’s System Restore feature.

23. Turn off Automatic Updates
“Automatic Updates” is a Windows XP user to upgrade systems to facilitate the introduction of a new function, which can be introduced in the Microsoft patch or upgrade the system when security patches automatically to remind users to upgrade their systems, but this function a requirement that users must always online, but for those of us less iron and silver “poor”, this requirement is too harsh, so we “automatic update” feature closed off, to “manual upgrade.”
Turn off Automatic Updates specific action to: Right click “My Computer / Properties / Automatic Updates” in the “Notice Settings” section select “Turn off Automatic Updates. I will manually update the computer,” one.

24. Close Remote Desktop
One feature of this feature is the ability to let others in on another machine to access your desktop. In the local area network, this feature very useful. For example you have a question that can help to colleagues, he can do to your front, directly through the “Remote Desktop” to access your machine to help you solve the problem. But we only have one computer for general users, this feature is redundant, so we put it off, is not it a waste of memory in there. Concrete action is: Right click “My Computer”, select “Properties / Remote”, the “Remote Desktop” in the “Allow users to connect remotely to this computer” untick.

25. Disable the hibernation feature elimination
Windows XP can sleep in memory the current system state completely saved to the hard drive when you next boot, the system does not require loading, system initialization procedures such as, but directly to your last sleeping in state, so start very quickly. But it will take up a lot of hard disk space (and as your memory size), go to “Control Panel / Power Options / Hibernate” will close it to free up disk space, it came time to re-open the can when needed . Is: Click “Start / Control Panel / Power Management / sleep”, the “Enable Hibernation” before the hook removed.

26. Off “automatically send an error report” function
We are surely in the Window XP have this experience, if a program terminates abnormally, the system will automatically bring up a dialog box asking if you send the error to Microsoft, this is XP, the “automatically send error” feature, which can be wrong information sent to Microsoft’s Web site. While Microsoft has repeatedly vowed that can provide strong security protection, will not disclose personal privacy, but the information sent to Microsoft may be included you are browsing or editing the document information may contain personal information that is confidential or company , so if you want to protect their legitimate rights, we should be duty-bound to turn off this feature.Is: Click “Start / Control Panel / System / Advanced”, click “Error Reporting” button, then select the “Disable error reporting”, the following “But notify me when critical errors occur” can be selected.
Close the “Internet time synchronization” function
“Internet time synchronization,” is to make your computer weekly, and Internet time server clock once synchronized, so that your system time will be accurate, but this feature is not useful for us, but also may cause problems crash . In general, as long as you install Windows XP after the first time synchronization on it. So we take it off.Concrete action is: Click “Start / Control Panel / Date, Time, Language and Regional Options” and then click the “Date and Time / Internet Time.”

27. A reasonable set of virtual memory
For the virtual memory file, Windows XP default values for security is always a great set, wasting a lot of hard disk space, in fact, we can set its value will be smaller. Is: Go to “Control Panel / System / Advanced / Performance / Settings / Advanced / Virtual Memory / Change”, to the virtual memory settings windows, first determine what your page file on the drive letter, and then drive another drive letter the page file all the disabled. I suggest you put it is set to the other partition, rather than the default system where the partition, this can increase the page file read and write speed is conducive to fast running system. According to Microsoft’s proposal, the page file should be set to 1.5 times the memory capacity, but if your memory is quite big, that it takes up considerable space is also, therefore, recommend the following if the memory capacity of 256MB, it is set to 1.5 times the same maximum and minimum, if more than 512MB, the memory capacity is set to half the total possible.

28. Delete unnecessary documents
Windows XP, there are usually many documents that we rarely used, on the hard drive and a waste of space, reducing system performance. We are fully able to delete these files with no need to remove the files are:
Help file: In the C: \ Windows \ Help directory.
Driver Backup: C: \ Windows \ driver cache \ i386 directory file.
System file backup: the average user is not very useful, use the command sfc.exe / purgecache deleted.
Backup dll file: C: \ Windows \ system32 \ dllcache directory.
Input Method: In the C: Windows \ Ime folder directly delete chtime, imjp8_1, imkr6_1 three directories can be, respectively, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Korean input method.

29. Remove the components implied in WindowsXP
After the normal installation of Windows XP will automatically install many components, many of these components is usually less than, the installation of the system will take up a lot of space, reducing system performance, we can use the following methods to delete unused components .
Notepad modify C: \ Windows \ Inf \ directory Sysoc.inf file, find / replace function, the search box, type “, hide” (comma followed by a hide), the “Replace with” box set is empty. And choose Replace All, so put all “, hide” are removed, save the file out, and then click the “Start / Control Panel / Add or Remove Programs”, you can usually see that many of the components , you can choose to delete does not require procedures.

30. Clean up junk files
The use of Windows XP in the normal course will have the extension TMP, BAK, OLD like the junk files, you can use Windows search function, identify these files and then delete them. Also the default Windows XP will record an error in the system failure event, and to write debugging information, the documents information we can abandoned. Is to click the “Start / Control Panel / System / Advanced / Startup and Recovery,” Empty “to the event log file is written” in “Write debugging information” drop-down box choose “no” to.

31. Prohibition MSN with the Windows Start
When every time you start Windows, Messenger always run automatically, even if you do not want to start it, but it is also run automatically, very annoying, we can not ban it, do not let it start with Windows? The answer is yes.
The first method:
1. In the “Start” menu, click “Run” in the “Open” box, type “msconfig”, “OK” to open “System Configuration Utility” window.
2. Click the “Startup” tab, in the “Startup Items” list, clear the “MSMSGS” before the check box, and click “OK” button.
3. When prompted to “Restart the computer”, click “Yes” button.
The second method:
1. Open the “Registry Editor” window.
2. Expand “KEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun” branch, and then in the right pane, right-click “MSMSGS”, then click on the shortcut menu, “delete” command, when prompted to confirm the deletion, click “Yes” button.
After setting, MSN will no longer start with Windows XP and started.

32. Optimizing Bandwidth
Windows XP Professional Edition adds QoSRRP (This is a Quality of Service Resource Reservation Protocol acronym, meaning the quality of service resource reservation protocol). In general, try to access information through the available bandwidth when the application either through the QoS application programming interfaces, or by another known as TCI’s application program interface. In network communications, in order to keep the safety of commercial some bandwidth to the manager, this application for QoS is undoubtedly a good thing, but most users do not need this feature, there is virtually part of ( The default is 20%) bandwidth, wasted, I provide in this way to cancel this feature.
Select “Start” menu, click on “log off” into the main login screen, logging in the main screen by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del twice the login window appears, enter the user name Administrator (Note: to distinguish between size), the password box enter own password (if you can not set the password are blank) Click OK to enter Windows, click the “Start / Run,” enter gpedit.msc into the “Group Policy” window, in the left window Select the “Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Network / QoS Packet Scheduler” in the right window double-click the “limit to the bandwidth reservation”, select “Enabled” and “bandwidth limit (%)” set to 0, single Click “Apply”, then “OK” to restart the can.
Note: Windows XP Home Edition users do not change these settings.

33. Delete unnecessary fonts
Windows XP, the fonts installed more memory will take up more system resources, slowing down the system speed, therefore, not commonly used fonts, we’d better remove it from the system. Font files stored in C: \ Windows \ font directory, you can select some fonts as needed, for more fonts without a deletion of the.

34. Change the IE temporary folder
Generated when a large number of temporary Internet files are stored in IE temporary folder, by default, the temporary folder in the system partition, a large number of temporary files will affect the performance of hard disk read and write system files.You can change the location of the temporary files to avoid this situation. Is to click the “Start / Control Panel / Internet Options” in the “General” tab, click the “Settings” button, open the window, click “Move Folder” button, specify a non-system partition folder, click “OK”, the temporary file will be moved to the specified folder.

35. Accelerate the “Network Neighborhood” to share the speed of
Users do not know if you use Windows XP open “My Network Places,” which shared resources, there is not found the time spent very long, because it checks the other computer settings, sometimes over there stopped nearly a minute, very annoying, you can approach the following steps to cancel their inspection: Select “Start / Run”, type regedit, Registry Editor in the pop-up to find [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion /
Explorer / RemoteComputer / NameSpace], press the right mouse in this position (D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF) can be deleted.

36. Clear the read-file
When using Windows XP for some time, read-ahead under the installation directory folder (C: \ Windows \ prefetch) in the file becomes large, there will be a dead link files, which would slow down the system time, suggest that you regularly Delete these files.

37. Settings to improve the speed of read-ahead
Windows XP using the read-set of this new technology to improve system speed. If your computer is configured well, have a PIII 800, 512M memory or more, you can make the following changes: Click the “Start / Run”, type “regedit”, open the registry, locate the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters \ EnablePrefetcher], set the values 0,1,2,3 (0-Disable, 1 – Pre-reading applications, 2 – start the pre-reading, 3 – the first two are pre-reading), recommended “3 “This reduces the startup time.

38. Cancel unnecessary network services components
Click the “Start / Control Panel / Network Connections / Local Area Connection” to open the Local Area Connection Status window, click the “Properties” button, open the Properties dialog box, click the “Advanced” tab, select the “by limiting or preventing from Internet, access to this computer to protect my computer and network “option, then click the” Settings “button, you can see all installed, Internet users can access, and running on your network service, unless Do you want to set up FTP or SMTP server, or may wish to abolish all of these projects selected.

39. Enable DMA transfer mode
The so-called DMA, or direct memory storage model, refers to computer peripherals (mainly referring to hard drive) can exchange data directly with memory, this can speed up hard disk access speed, increased speed of data transfer rate. For some reason, Windows XP will sometimes use the IDE channel transfer mode PIO parallel input and output, instead of DMA mode. If this occurs, the user can manually change the IDE channel DMA mode, thus reducing the CPU cycles occupied by the device. Is: Right-click on the “My Computer”, choose “Properties”, click “Hardware” tab, click “Device Manager” button, open the “Device Manager” and then click to expand “IDE ATA / ATAPI control device “branch, which” IDE controller “there are two” main IDE channel “and” secondary IDE Link “, respectively, selected, and then click into” Properties / Advanced Settings “, the dialog box lists the currently connected to IDE Interface equipment transfer mode, check the “Transfer Mode” drop-down menu, put them all set “DMA (if available)”, click “OK.”

40. To speed up menu display speed
Select “Start / Run”, type regedit, pop-up the registry editor, search for [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ ControlPanel \ Desktop], in the right window, select MenuShowDelay, Right click and select “modify” its value data to 100 or more Small (default: 400), it is recommended not to use 0, because this way as long as the mouse accidentally touch the “All Programs”, the entire menu will come out, that this total chaos.

41. Accelerate the shutdown speed
Windows XP boot speed is indeed faster than previous versions of the operating system a lot, but a lot of off speed is slow. If you care about off the pace, you can modify several registry keys, you can greatly reduce the time spent Windows shut down. First open the Registry Editor, locate the HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop \, which have called HungAppTimeout the key, its default value is 5000 (if not, change it to 5000). Next, there is a WaitToKillAppTimeout key to its value to 4000 (default is 2000). Finally, find the following registry location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \. Similarly, the key to which WaitToKillServiceTimeout 4000. In addition, the “Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Services” in the NVidia Driver Help service set to manual, you can also speed up the Windows closing time.

42. Turn off your computer automatically when the end of the task
When in shutdown, sometimes annoying pop-up dialog box, to remind a program is still running, if the end of the task. In fact, by a little modification can make Windows automatically end these are still running. In registry HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Desktop directory, the contents of AugoEndTasks key to 1.
NOTE: You may find AutoEndTasks key, if that is the case, then make a String Value, and turning it into the name, is set to 1 on it.

43. Dr.Watson close Dr Watson
Click the “Start / Run”, type “drwtsn32″ command, or “Start / All Programs / Accessories / System Tools / System Information / Tools / Dr Watson”, transferred out of the system in the Dr Watson Dr.Watson, retaining only ” Dump all thread contexts “option, or if program errors, the hard disk will read a long time, and take up a lot of space. If this has happened before, look for user.dmp files deleted to save hundreds of MB of space.

44. To reduce the waiting time disk scanning
WindowsXP Although the known stability, but is not and never crashed, and occasionally will give you a blue face, illegal operation of the system will automatically scan, a major section of a large section of the E text, to tell you just end the system of non-normal, and now need to check is wrong, but have to wait some time before the start, so we can dos, type “chkntfs / t: 0″, said the wait time is 0 seconds.

45. Remove unnecessary accounts
If your computer only you people use, it’s best to build its own for an account, because you build an account for each, will be in Windows XP’s installation directory under the \ documents and settings \ following a Duo as you have built Zhanghu Name the folder, which he stored some of the information in this account, there are favorites, documents, history, system settings and other content, constant, daily it takes up space is not to be underestimated, the solution is to “Start / Control Panel / User Account “in accordance with their own situation to delete the extra account.

46. Let the system automatically shut down the program stops responding
Click the “Start / Run”, type regedit, pop-up Registry Editor, search for [HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ ControlPanel \ Desktop], in the right window, select AutoEndTasks, Right click and select “modify” its value data to 1 (default: 0).

47.IE web browser acceleration techniques
Windows XP comes with Internet Explorer6, a little skill, modified after the start too fast (on my machine, nothing is instant start). Specifically, this: Right-click the shortcut icon for Internet Explorer (such as the taskbar quick launch bar on the IE icon), open the icon property after the “target” followed by “-nohome” parameter can be.

48. Encrypt files and folders
Any need to encrypt the files and folders, right click the mouse, select “Properties” command, click the “General” tab, then select “Advanced Encrypt contents to secure data” to determine on it after. Need to explain is: Windows XP’s encryption only for NTFS formatted partition, its traditional format of FAT16 and FAT32 partitions do not provide encryption support, if you want to use encryption, you need to convert the disk to NTFS format.

49. Custom folder picture
Added in Windows XP, the folder image function, which provides more content than the original icon images rich resource for users to choose, you can use this feature to set their favorite picture to any folder icon, is : In Explorer select any folder, right click, select “Properties” command in the Open dialog box, select “Customize” tab, click “Select Picture” button to select a folder picture graphic file, click the “Change Icon” button to the folder icon, then click “OK” button, after you select in the Explorer with “thumbnail” form view the file, you can see the definition file folder image.

50. Fast-moving and copying files
Selected in the Explorer you want to move or copy the file, then drag the file right after the release destination folder will pop up a menu allowing you to select copy, move files or create a shortcut, or even cancel
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